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原 著:《Essentials of Endocrinology and Metabolism》译 著:《内分泌和代谢要点》
添加时间:2021年01月05日     阅读: 1644 次     来源:中国民族卫生协会卫生健康技术推广平台

原 著:《Essentials of Endocrinology and Metabolism》

译 著:《内分泌和代谢要点》

Developed from time-tested material utilized in endocrinology courses for medical students, this comprehensive and practical guide draws together a number of related disciplines to create a straightforward and accessible approach to the study of endocrine and metabolic diseases. Designed with the student in mind, each of the main endocrine organs and disorders are covered in thematic sections on diabetes, thyroid disorders, calcium disorders, adrenal disorders, and hypothalamus and pituitary disorders. Opening with clear learning objectives, chapters within each section discuss core concepts, anatomy, embryology, histology, testing, diagnosis and pharmacology, and include clinical case scenarios and multiple choice review questions. Full-color figures and diagrams enhance and extend the content. 
Perfect for in-class reference or board licensing review, Essentials of Endocrinology and Metabolism is an indispensable resource for medical and nursing students alike.

1. Introduction to Endocrinology Concepts

2. Getting Prepared Series for Diabetes 

3. Diabetes Types and Diagnosis 

4. Diabetes Complications 

5. Diabetes Pharmacology 

6. Diabetes Cases 

7. Getting Prepared Series for Thyroid 

8. Abnormal Thyroid Function 

9. Thyroid Testing 

10. Thyroid Pharmacology