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原 著:《Endocrinology and Sy temic Diseases》 译 著:《内分泌与系统疾病》
添加时间:2021年01月05日     阅读: 2304 次     来源:中国民族卫生协会卫生健康技术推广平台

原 著:《Endocrinology and Sy temic Diseases》 译 著:《内分泌与系统疾病》

This work offers a comprehensive reference guide to help clinicians in the field of Internal Medicine address common aspects of endocrinology in their daily practice. The exponential growth in our knowledge of biomedicine calls for continuous multidisciplinary approaches across specialists and disciplines. In this volume, recognized experts in each given area explore the complex mechanisms linking endocrinological disorders to abnormalities of the cardiovascular system, kidney, liver and gastrointestinal tract, autoimmune, neuro-psychiatric, rheumatic, hematological, and dermatologic diseases. Aspects connected to critically ill and elderly patients are also examined, helping to enhance daily interactions with the most fragile populations observed in clinical medicine.

The individual chapters are designed to deliver the required information while explaining pathophysiological mechanisms with the help of figures, flow-charts and updated guidelines. The book offers a valuable resource for all clinicians, residents, specialists and physicians who manage systemic diseases.